My research interests are Biomedical Data Analysis, Bioinformatics, Neuroinformatics, Data Visualization, Information
Visualization (Health-informatics), Data Mining and Text Mining.
Assistant Professor |
Jan 2024 - Present |
Advanced Data Science Consultant |
Apr 2021 - Dec2023 |
Senior Software Enginee |
Oct 2005 - Oct 2011 |
- SPAN Infotech (India) Private Ltd (Name changed to - Tietoevry), Tietoevry, India
- Starting from JSE (Junior Software Engineer) to SSE (Senior Software Engineer), I worked on various projects and domains using C, VB.Net, IBM U2, ASP.NET and databases like SQL Server 9.0/2005 and PL-SQL. I developed strong analysis, coding and implementation skills over my tenure in SPAN Infotech. I also have exposure towards the quality procedures of the project.
Ph.D. in Computer Science |
Aug 2016 - Apr 2021 |
- International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore, India
- Advisor Prof. Jaya Sreevalsan Nair
- Thesis: Novel Uses of Correlation Networks and Consensus Node-Communities for Biomedical Data Analysis
M.S. in Computer Science |
Sep 2013 - Aug 2015 |
- Ajou University, South Korea
- Advisor Prof. Kyung-Ah Sohn
- Thesis: Investigating Genomic Associations by Fusing Regression Methods on Cancer Profiles
Korean Language Course |
Mar 2013 - Jun 2013 |
- Kyung hee University, South Korea
- Completed basic level of language course
B.Tech in ECE |
2002 - 2005 |
- Sri Krishna Devaraya University (SKU), India
- Electronics and Communications Engineering
- Journals
- Venkat Suprabath Bitra, Reddy Rani Vangimalla, Jaya Sreevalsan-Nair ”Network-based Diseasome Construction from Multi-omics Data and RadTrix Visualization” July, 2023. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS. [TCBB - Under Review]
- Jaya Sreevalsan-Nair, Anuj Mubayi, Janvi Chhabra, Reddy Rani Vangimalla and Pritesh Rajesh Ghogale ”Evaluating early pandemic response through length-of-stay analysis of case logs and epidemiological modelling: A case study of Singapore in early 2020” November 14, 2023. Journal Computational and Mathematical Biophysics, PMID: 35820016. Paper
- Reddy Rani Vangimall, Jaya Sreevalsan-Nair “Communities and Cliques in Functional Brain Network Using Multiscale Consensus Approach” July, 2022. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, PMID: 35820016. Paper
- Urvakhsh Meherwan Mehta, Darshan Shadakshari, Pulaparambil Vani, Shalini S Naik, V Kiran Raj, Reddy Rani Vangimalla, YC Janardhan Reddy, Jaya Sreevalsan-Nair, and Rose Dawn Bharath, “Case Report: Obsessive compulsive disorder in posterior cerebellar infarction - illustrating clinical and functional connectivity modulation using MRI-informed transcranial magnetic stimulation” Sep, 2020. Wellcome Open Res 2020, 5:189, PMID: 32995558 PMCID: PMC7503177. Paper
- Reddy Rani Vangimalla, Hyun-hwan Jeong, Kyung-Ah Sohn “Integrative regression network for genomic association study” BMC Med Genomics 9, 31 (2016).[Extended version of TBC-2015] Paper
- Reddy Rani Vangimalla, Kyung-Ah Sohn “Association Networks Constructed from Heterogeneous High-dimensional Genomic Features” Communications of the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineer KIISE 32(3):54-60, 2014 Paper
- Patent
- Name of Invention : Method For Constructing Fused Regression Network And Analysis : {DOI:10.8080/1020150167074.} Patent
- Conferences & Book Chapters
- Reddy Rani Vangimalla, and J. Sreevalsan-Nair “HCNM: Heterogeneous Correlation Network Model for Multi-level Integrative Study of Multi-omics Data for Cancer Subtype Prediction” November, 2021. Presented at 43rd Annual International Conferences of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society EMBC-2021 Paper
- V. Sridhar, Jaya Sreevalsan-Nair, Pritesh Rajesh Ghogale, and Reddy Rani Vangimalla “Sharing and Use of Non-Personal Health Information: Case of the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Chapter 8, Book - Data Centric Living: Algorithms, Digitization and Regulation, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, June, 2021. ISBN 9780367536534 Paper
- Reddy Rani Vangimalla, and J. Sreevalsan-Nair “A Multiscale Consensus Method Using Factor Analysis to Extract Modular Regions in the Functional Brain Network,” July, 2020. Pressented at 42nd Annual International Conferences of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society EMBC 2020 Paper
- Reddy Rani Vangimalla, Hyun-hwan Jeong, Kyung-Ah Sohn “Integrative regression network for genomic association study” Presented at TBC-2015 Paper
- Reddy Rani Vangimalla, Kyung-Ah Sohn “Discovering genomic associations on cancer datasets by applying sparse regression methods” Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 339. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Proceedings of ICISA-2015 Paper
- Posters & Others
- Reddy Rani Vangimalla, and Ankur Pachauri “Leveraging Stochastic Block Model for Uncovering Genomic Associations in Multilayer Networks” December 13, 2024. Abstract presentation MEDLIFE2024 & ICBLS2024 Abstract
- Reddy Rani Vangimalla, and J. Sreevalsan-Nair “Construction and Visualization of Diseasome of Lung Diseases Associated with COVID-19 from Co-association Networks of Multi-omics Data” July, 2020. Poster presentation at 28th Annual International Conferences of Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology ISMB 2020, NetBio Poster
- J. Sreevalsan-Nair, Reddy Rani Vangimalla, and Pritesh Rajesh Ghogale “Influence of COVID-19 Transmission Stages and Demographics on Length of In-Hospital Stay in Singapore for the First 1000 Patients” July, 2020 Poster. presentation at 28th Annual International Conferences of Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology ISMB 2020, COVID-19 Poster
- Reddy Rani Vangimalla, and J. Sreevalsan-Nair “Consensus Methods for Network Analysis of Biomedical Data:Case Studies on Brain Functional Connectivity Network and Gene-GeneAssociation Networks” February, 2020. Presented at Doctoral Symposium of 4th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Networks CINE 2020 PDF
- Reddy Rani Vangimalla, and J. Sreevalsan-Nair “RadTrix: A Composite Hybrid Visualization for Unbalanced Bipartite Graphs in Biological Datasets” Presented at 9th Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, September 2019 VCBM 2019. Poster
- Jaya Sreevalsan-Nair, Shivam Agarwal Reddy Rani Vangimalla, Sanat Ramesh, Nirmala Murthy “Collaborative Design of Visual Analytic Techniques for Survey Data for Community-based Research in Public Health” Presented at 8th Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare, affiliated with IEEE VIS 2017. Poster